Tuesday 30 August 2011

Happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Just a short entry to tell you all...at last anak bulan can be seen in Malaysia. Anak bulan can't be seen at Masjid Abu Bakar Johor Bahru due to cloudy weather but got moon sighting report from Kerteh Terengganu and Muar that anak bulan can be seen there! 31 August 2011 is the REAL date of 1st Syawal 1432 in Malaysia. I am so happy! To all Muslims in Malaysia, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI 1432 Hijrah and MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN.

Sunday 28 August 2011


What is ketupat? Ketupat is a rice which is cooked in coconut leaves/palm leaf that is plait like a diamond shape. It is one of the famous food in Malaysia when celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Muslim's Festival).

a bunch of ketupat

How to anyam ketupat? Anyam ketupat in english is to weave or plait the ketupat. Easier way to plait the ketupat in this video.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Anak Bulan

Anak bulan if translated direct to the point in English means child moon or moon's child. It's weird to call anak bulan as child moon in English so don't call it child moon or moon's child anymore. Actually anak bulan or crescent moon known as hilal in Arab language. Anyway, I will call it anak bulan since it was used to be call like that in Malaysia.

Anak bulan will be visible in early month of Hijrah
Based on the picture, you can see anak bulan clearly above KLCC building if the weather is bright and it is not obstructed by cloud. Actually I should have research about anak bulan and posted this entry earlier before our Government announced the first Ramadhan...

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Rasa Sayang

Rasa Sayang Lyrics

Rasa sayang, hey!,
Rasa sayang sayang hey,
Hey lihat nona jauh,
Rasa sayang sayang hey!

Buah cempedak di luar pagar,
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan,
Saya budak baru belajar,
Kalau salah tolong tunjukkan,
Pulau pandan jauh ke tengah,
Gunung daik bercabang tiga,
Hancur badan dikandung tanah,
Budi yang baik dikenang juga,

Dua tiga kucing berlari,
Mana sama si kucing belang,
Dua tiga boleh ku cari,
Mana sama abang seorang,

Pisang emas dibawa berlayar,
Masak sebiji di atas peti,
Hutang emas boleh dibayar,
Hutang budi dibawa mati,

Rasa Sayang means "Feel Love" in English. It is a popular song in the world. Japanese people also sang this song in the movie titled Marai no tora. I made this entry due to Muhammad Darius Shah mention about the Rasa Sayang song in the previous entry.

Monday 22 August 2011

Tani Yutaka the Harimau Malaya

This is an untold history in Malaysia. We used to learn that General Yamashita is the Harimau Malaya(The Tiger of Malaya). Actually General Yamashita is a scum who make a big mess in Tanah Melayu or Malaya (now Malaysia).

Tani Yutaka is the real Harimau Malaya !

Tani Yutaka is born in Terengganu, 1910. He is the son to the japanese family which have their own grocery shop in Hulu Terengganu. He like to wear baju melayu and songkok (malay traditional's attire).

Sunday 21 August 2011

Gaysec Apologize Publicly

For this entry, I just want to share that gaysec has made a public apology about revealing the identity of Makcik Hajjah Sitt al-Wuzara. I already put the update link Reaksi Arlene Tan in Makcik Hajjah Sitt al-Wuzara's entry to show that she want to report to police about this matter. I think the update link alone is not enough and I know now that Reaksi Arlene Tan link will bring you to "Nothing found for Reaksi-arlene-tan". That's why I make this entry.

This is what they say :
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

kami mengaku informasi yg kami terima dari pelbagai sumber (anonymous) ini tidak disemak terlebih dahulu dimana akhirnya informasi tersebut telah membawa kepada rujukan yg salah terhadap mangsa (Arlen Tan) dan bukan target kami yg sebenarnya.

Saturday 20 August 2011

What You Need to Know about Johor

Johor is the most south state in Peninsular Malaysia. I'll tell you what I know about Johor.

View Larger Map

The famous delicious foods in Johor (selain Johor pun ada jugak sekarang) are epok-epok, laksa johor, mee bandung, mee rebus, otak-otak, rojak petis, asam pedas, nasi beriani gam, roti jala and telur pindang.Actually there are more delicious food in Johor than what I've written here. I'll mention some of the famous food in Johor here.

Friday 19 August 2011

Rojak Buah Recipe

Preparing Rojak Buah is very easy. Let's try it !

Rojak Buah
Ingredients :
1 guava, seeds removed
½ pineapple
3 pieces of star fruit
1 cucumber
1 medium sized of sengkuang*
3 pieces of mangoes

Thursday 18 August 2011

Only Once in 823 Years

Have you got email from anyone that tell about the 'special' thing in 2011? Is it true or just a hoax? I'll explain it to you whether it's true or not.

Unique date like 1/1/11 , 11/1/11 , 1/11/11 and 11/11/11 only appear in year 2011. Another special thing you can try now is to take the last 2 numbers year of your birth date and plus it with your age and you will get 111 as the answer. Only work if you are born before 2000.

This year is 2011

If your birth of date is 20 July 1970 so your age is 41. Take 70 which is the last 2 numbers of 1970 then add it with 41. You'll get 111 as the answer. Still not believe it? Let's try another one.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Advertisement : Controversy or unControversy ?

First of all, what is controversy? Controversy is a dispute, especially a public one, between sides holding opposing views. Perennial areas of controversy include history, religion, philosophy and politics. Other minor areas of controversy may include economics, science, finances, and race. The easy way to understand controversy is when 'someone' say yes but 'other' say no.

Let's watch the controversial advertisement videos for more understanding about controversy.

Monday 15 August 2011

Badminton world championships 2011 London

What's wrong with the final of BWF (Badminton World Federation) World Championships, Wembley London 2011 between Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei and China's Lin Dan? 

The first set was a "win" so I thought "Lee Chong Wei can win this!"

Lee Chong Wei

The second set of the match...."lost", I almost give up.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Google Adsense in Malay ?

Is it true Google Adsense now is in Malay? What I mean is Google Adsense can be put on malay blog / website? Korang jangan ingat aku poyo nak speaking english ni hahaha! Aku bukannya tahu sangat nak berspeaking omputeh cuma nak try meng'english'kan blog ni.

If I try to change 100% of this blog to english it will not be 'rojak' anymore. I created this blog to express what in my mind in malay language and sometimes in english for certain part. Maknanya ada sikit2 je la english dalam blog ni selebihnya dalam bahasa melayu. I saw GA (Google Adsense) on malay blog / website so? Permitted or Prohibited?

Friday 12 August 2011

Asyraf Haziq - Mangsa yang Popular

Asyraf Haziq atau nama penuhnya Muhammad Asyraf Haziq Rosli umur 20 tahun. Kenapa dengan budak ni? Dialah budak tahun pertama pengajian perakaunan kat kolej Kaplan ditaja oleh Mara (Majlis Amanah Rakyat).

Eleh, takkan dia sorang je student kat London? Memangle bukan dia sorang student Malaysia kat sana tapi  jaw dia patah lepas tu kena samun then dia kena operate jaw dia kat Hospital Royal London Isnin lepas. Jaw tu apa? Jaw tu rahanglah.

Rahang dah patah lepas tu kena samun lepas tu popular? Biar aku explain..

Thursday 11 August 2011

Muka Lawak Aksi Terjun

Dalam bulan puasa ni tak baik marah-marah. Mai sini rapat2 aku nak kongsi sesuatu yang kelakar. Sebelum tu korang bacalah petikan omputeh ni dulu ye supaya korang tahu siapa punya kerja ni.
Sports photographer Ezra Shaw, employed by Getty Images, captured funny face expressions of divers during the men’s 3m springboard preliminary round at the 14th FINA World Championships in Shanghai.

Korang semua saksikanlah sendiri betapa kelakarnya muka dorang ni masa tengah terjun tu. hahaha! Muka macam tengah nak terberak pun ada. Jom ramai-ramai tengok gambar muka kelakar.

Sho Sakai of Japan
Kai Qin of China

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Isu DUMC terbongkar!

Apa khabar semua? Pernah dengar pasal JAIS (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor) serang gereja kat Damansara Utama? Korang tahu apa sebabnya?

Hasil blogwalking dan surfing sana sini akhirnya aku terjumpa sebuah article pasal DUMC (Damansara Utama Methodist Church) beserta bukti dan explanation. Dalam entry kali ni aku letak information pasal JAIS, NGO, DUMC dan pihak-pihak tertentu yang terlibat. Korang boleh faham kalau korang baca apa yang aku kongsi ni sampai habis.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Kuih Raya Haram?

Kuih raya haram dimakan kalau dibuat dari ingredients yang haram. Kalau ada ramuan yang disyaki haram walaupun sikit je better don't eat sebagai langkah keselamatan. So? Makanan yang pasti haram memanglah confirm tak boleh dimakan tapi kalau makanan yang disyaki haram sahaja? Safety first ok? Stay away from haram and syubhat food! Bukan main makan je ikut nafsu.

Gambar hiasan kuih raya

Monday 8 August 2011

Makcik Hajjah Sitt al-Wuzara

Masa aku tengah blogwalking sana sini surf sana sini..Ada beberapa blog sibuk cerita pasal makcik Hajjah Sitt al-Wuzara ni. Aku tak kenal pun makcik ni tapi dah ramai sangat sibuk nak cerita pasal dia, tak pasal2 dah terkenal si MAKCIK HAJJAH SITT AL-WUZARA. 

Aku nak try open blog dia pun dah tak boleh. Dengar cerita dia ni kutuk Islam kaw-kaw punya dalam blog dia. Tak tahula kalau dia dah delete blog dia ke atau dia create blog or website baru ke atau terus meninggalkan dunia blogging ke...who knows?

Gambar makcik Hajjah Sitt al-Wuzara

Sunday 7 August 2011

Krisis minyak masak di Sabah!!!

Adoooiiii kesian orang sabah!!! Macamana boleh ada krisis minyak masak kat sabah ni? Ada sesiapa yang sorokkan minyak masak ke? Dah dekat 2 minggu lak tu..Nak tunggu lepas raya baru setel krisis minyak masak? PEHH!!!

Gambar hiasan dari google

Monday 1 August 2011

Bulan Ramadhan bulan mulia

Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa buat semua umat Islam di seluruh Malaysia. Semoga diberi hidayah dan diberkati Allah.

Inilah masa terbaik aku gelakkan syaitan sebab dah kena belenggu..wahahahahah!!!