Saturday 20 August 2011

What You Need to Know about Johor

Johor is the most south state in Peninsular Malaysia. I'll tell you what I know about Johor.

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The famous delicious foods in Johor (selain Johor pun ada jugak sekarang) are epok-epok, laksa johor, mee bandung, mee rebus, otak-otak, rojak petis, asam pedas, nasi beriani gam, roti jala and telur pindang.Actually there are more delicious food in Johor than what I've written here. I'll mention some of the famous food in Johor here.

Have you heard epok-epok(epoch-epoch?) before? Epok-epok is 3 times tastier than karipap (curry puff) err...maybe 9 times tastier than karipap.You can only find epok-epok in Johor.

Johor flag
Laksa Johor? I am telling you that Laksa Johor is differ than Laksa Penang. Taste both of it and you will know what I mean.

I prefer mee bandung than laksa johor. The 'bandung' word doesn't mean it was from Bandung, Indonesia but it means a variety of ingredients that combined from different flavor.

I recommend you to eat otak-otak if you come to Johor. Find the 'Otak-Otak Gelang Patah' or 'Otak-Otak Kempas'. Both are the most delicious otak-otak in Johor.

What about telur pindang? In the early 80's to 90's you can get telur pindang by attending at Malay wedding ceremony. Now, if you come to Malay wedding ceremony they give you candies or handkerchief or kerepek or small cup many or are there already?

Do you like pisang goreng (fried banana)? In Malaysia, pisang goreng is a normal food eaten just like that. Only in Johor, people eat pisang goreng dipped in soy sauce (makan pisang goreng cicah kicap). The taste of soy sauce used to eat with pisang goreng is spicy and a little sweet (rasa pedas dan sedikit manis).

Enough about foods, let's talk about Johor language. Huh? Johor Language? Of course they have their own accent or slang.

E'k ,e'h and anu are words that always come out from Johorean's mouth. Do you notice when Johorean speak, the end of the sentences will end with e'k or e'h? It'll be easier to understand with example.

E'k is a word used to reinforce or toughen the sentences (menguatkan ayat).
example : "Hari tu aku pancing dapat ikan besar e'k!" (A few days ago I catch a big fish e'k!)
Normal : "Hari tu aku pancing dapat ikan besar!" (A few days ago I catch a big fish!)

E'h is a word used for asking.
example : "Sebelah kanan e'h?" (The right one e'h?)
Normal : "Sebelah kanan ke?" (The right one is it?)

E'h also can be used 'single handedly' when someone don't want to prolong the conversation.
example :
Halim : "Masuklah MLM macam aku nanti boleh beli kereta besar." (Join MLM so you can buy a big car.)
Jamal : "E'h..."

Anu is a powerful word that can change meaning depends on the sentences.
example : "Jangan anu dia!" (Don't anu him!)
explanation : In this sentences anu can mean kacau (disturb) or hampiri (go near) or anything!

Do you have friends from Johor? Anything to share about Johor? Ada pengalaman duduk di Johor atau berkawan dengan orang Johor? Jom share pengalaman korang.


  1. i love johor people!(i love the whole malaysia of course) i dont know why but i always have chemistry with orang johor.hehe.SINCE I WAS SMALL,MESTI WAJIB ADA MEMBER YANG SALAH SEORANG PARENTS MEREKA ASAL JOHOR.hihi

    i prefer mi bandung than laksa too. :D

  2. hana sudradjat, Rojak pun love johor people and the the whole malaysia and ur komen too hehehe.

  3. orang johor datang nie.. hihihi..
    nice post.. jom la datang johor k.. boleh makan-makanan johor banyak2 k.. =)

  4. putry arisa, amboi terus pelawa ya? ehehehe

  5. This's d best info dude! hey,Im pure johorean :) my mom was born in pontian, dad in mersing and me in Hosp sultanah aminah, Jb. even my bf pun orang Johor gak hehehe

  6. Princess Feyqa, info ni khas buat orang yang nak tahu pasal johor. Peh,1 family johor dapat bf pun orang johor. I think ur bf will like this entry too.

  7. saya ramai kawan dak johor. diorang best ! XD

  8. IzZa izaLis, orang johor memang best. XD
