Sunday 8 April 2012

Bad news for turtle's egg eater

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Malaysia has urged the government to amend the Fisheries Act 1985 to ban the eating of turtle eggs.

Turtle eggs

WWF Terengganu Turtle Conservation Programme head Rahayu Zulkifli said the sale of turtle eggs openly shows lack of public awareness although many are aware that turtles are threatened with extinction.

Are you turtle's egg eater?
I am not one of them because I haven't taste it yet. For whom has eat the turtle's egg, how does it taste? Sweet ot sour? Just like chicken's egg?

No matter what it taste, the WWF Terengganu has urge the governtment to ban buy/sell turtle eggs. There is no act or any progress from government right now.

Should we support the WWF Terengganu? In this case, I don't know but to all turtle's egg eater, maybe you need to buy as much turtle's egg at Pasar Sayang, Terengganu before it's too late.

p/s: I like to eat telur mata lembu.

 Ban Eating of Turtle Eggs
 Rahayu said many tourists visit Terengganu to sample
 turtle eggs a...