Tuesday 4 September 2012

Husband beat wife

Amanda Fong Kim Yen 19 years old married to Calven Chik Foo Keong. She's been hurt by his husband while 2 month pregnant in a shop. 

Amanda Fong bruises on her arm and shoulder

How did she get those injury? Just watch the video OK? As usual, I found this video on Youtube..

Part 1

Part 2

So what is the cause of this? Anybody know? Well....

My first impression, maybe her husband is totally wrong. But who knows what the cause of this? Anyway her husband shouldn't beat her if there is any problem especially when she is pregnant...

From the source I found, Calvin was trying to steal Amanda & Co. valuable items. Whether this is true or not, I suggest bring this matter to the police and carry on to the court. Let's see who' wrong who's right.

p/s: Can't help but feel sorry for Amanda.

 Suami Belasah Isteri http://hotlips-yuya.blogspot.com/
 Amanda Fong telah menyebarkan kisah malangnya...