Wednesday 12 December 2012

Mazidul Akmal Sidek A Liar?

Do you watch Majalah 3 last Saturday, 8 December 2012? It was about the Super-bike rider speeding and endanger other drivers on the highway.

If you not watch it yet, better watch it now.

We know speeding exceeds the limit on the road or highway is dangerous BUT The question is...

The incident in the video is REAL SITUATION or ACTING SOLELY?
I don't think Mazidul can answer it because you can see the screenshot here.

Mazidul answer "brilliantly"
Why he can't answer it straight forward? Need easier question? OK here we go..

"The incident in the video is real situation, YES or NO?"

Someone can put that question on his facebook or twitter etc..? We all need the straight forward answer between yes or no. That's all and then this case will be close. Can you do it Mazidul? The incident in the video is real situation, YES or NO?

p/s: AES may gain profit by doing this.

 Pelesit Jalanan dan Geng Superbike kantoi.