Wednesday 30 November 2011

Robbery at Butterworth Bakery

As usual, bank is the main target for criminal to get easy money. Kedai mamak also has been their target as well. Recently Sun Flowers Bakery at Jalan Raja Uda, Butterworth, Penang was robbed.

Robbery at Sun Flowers Bakery
Did CCTV really could scare them to commit the crime?

Monday 28 November 2011

Taxis for Women

Good news for woman who afraid to ride a taxi alone. Taxis for Woman has been launched in Kuala Lumpur. Heng Seai Kei, Deputy Minister for Women, Family and Community Development plan to get the feedback for a year service of women only taxis before implementing the schemes in other states.

Malaysian Taxis

It is really good?

Sunday 27 November 2011

Maal Hijrah Song

Artist : Al Ajiba
Title : Maal Hijrah

Maal Hijrah Lyrics :

Friday 25 November 2011

Awal Muharram 1433

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. Since the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, Muharram moves from year to yea compare to Gregorian Calendar. Gregorian Calendar also known as Western Calendar or Christian Calendar.
Logo Maal Hijrah

What is the meaning of Muharram?

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Malaysia The Champion of Sukan Sea 2011


Malaysia win against Indonesia in Sukan Sea 2011.

Watch this video Malaysia vs Indonesia penalty kick

It's way better than Malaysia Kalah!!!

Result of the match : Malaysia win penalty kick.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Arm Wrestling Competition in Selangor

Do you think you are very strong? You got a big muscle? You may join the Arm Wrestling Competition.

The participants will fight in Arm Wrestling Competition for the title of Mr Selangor 2011.

Arm Wrestling at Selangor
How, when and where?

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Ice Cube Rain in Subang Jaya!

It's raining ice in Subang Jaya!

Hailstorm or Raining Ice Process
Watch this video raining ice in Subang Jaya.

Monday 14 November 2011

The Best Vocal Performance 2011

Sedetik Kasih or OST for Merong Mahawangsa sung by Anuar Zain nominated as The Best Pop song and The Best Vocal Performance in Anugerah Industri Muzik 2011.

Anuar Zain

Artist : Anuar Zain
Song : Sedetik Lebih
Composer : Edry KRU

Sedetik Lebih lyrics :

Sunday 13 November 2011

First Identitiy Card in Malaysia

In 1948, the first identity cards were issued during the emergency (Registration Areas). Regulations 1948 has been extended through the Emergency Ordinance 1948.

First Plastic Identity Card in Malaysia
Do you recognized him?

Saturday 12 November 2011

Tragedy in 11.11.11

I just enter the Meriahnya Segmen 11.11.11 few days later but on 11.11.11, accident occur at Slim River, Kedah. Four dead including two students and seven seriously injured in this incident.

Firefighters and rescuers pull victim buried in sand
When most people choose 11 November 2011 as a special day, 36 students and 4 teachers of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Air Merah, Kulim Kedah suffered terrible tragedy when the bus the boarded bus was overturned and being hit by a trailer while most of the victim crawling to escape, leaving four people dead.

Friday 11 November 2011

Teh Ais and Teh O Ais

This is just a simple, funny and ridiculous entry about Teh ais and Teh O ais (Iced Tea and Iced Tea O).

Iced Tea

Iced Tea

The ridiculous about Iced Tea and Iced Tea O is here..

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Meriahnya Segmen 11.11.11

Meriahnya Segmen 11.11.11 or Merrier Segment 11.11.11 is a special way to promote your blog.

Blog Azri Johan
My bestest entry in this blog is Simple Exercise For Busy People.

Join this segmen now before 10.11.11.

If you want to know more information about Meriahnya Segmen 11.11.11 just click here.

Finally, keep on smiling :)

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Tips Slap More Effectively

Some says silat is a word taken from "Solat". Solat is a way of Muslim's people worship Allah. Some says Silat is a word taken from "Si kilat" which means someone who moves very fast like lightning. Whatever they say about Silat, I assume that Silat is a beautiful Malay martial arts yet deadly.

I would like to tell you about slap. Slap is one of the hand techniques in Silat. I know most of you thought if you want to slap somebody you'll aim for his face. That is correct but you can use your slap more than that.

Watch this video now.

Hand Techniques taught by Guru Eddie Ivester
 Why orang putih (white people) is the guru silat?

Monday 7 November 2011

Still Lack of Cooking Oil in Sabah

What date is today? 7 November 2011. What's the same and boring problem that still occur in Sabah? Lack of cooking oil. When this matter will be solved? Don't know. What is the cause of this problem? Don't know.

Sabah is the most lack cooking oil in Malaysia
If you've read the Krisis Minyak Masak di Sabah and Cooking Oil in Sabah ongoing you would know that Sabah still lack of cooking oil since several days before Ramadhan 1432. From Syawal until Zulhijjah 1432, there is no sign that lack of cooking oil in Sabah will be solved.

If this "small matter" still ongoing until January 2012, I think Sabah should get out from Malaysia and be under Brunei. What do you think?

Sunday 6 November 2011

Happy Hari Raya Aidiladha

I just want to wish to all muslim in the world "Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha".

Happy Hari Raya Aidiladha Zulhijjah 1432
For your information, Raya Aidiladha also called Raya Haji or Raya Korban. During this festival, farm animal such as cow, sheep, buffalo, camel will be slaughtered for all muslim especially the poor one.

Hari Raya Aidiladha should be more lively celebration than Hari Raya Aidilfitri. In the month of Syawal, all muslim are prohibited to puasa (fasting) on the first day only. After first day of Syawal, you may puasa sunat (voluntary fasting?) or puasa enam (fasting six?). Make sure to puasa ganti (fasting debt?) if you were not puasa penuh (full fasting?) in Ramadhan before puasa sunat.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Anak Bulan Zulhijjah 1432

"Tengok anak bulan" or crescent moon sighting is not only for Ramadhan and Syawal. Each month in the year of Hijrah will be decided after moon sighting.

Crescent moon
Here is the moon sighting report from Malaysia..

Friday 4 November 2011

Faizal VS Antoine

Let's watch the next fight after Faizal VS Jesse. In the first quart final of The Muaythai Challenger is Faizal (Malaysia)VS Antoine (France). In this fight, Faizal keep playing smart but Antoine is very strong. Who win?

Faizal VS Antoine
Just watch this video...

Thursday 3 November 2011

Saiful Apek Deny Taking Drug

I got this info from youtube.

Saiful Apek
Saiful Apek the famous comedian was arrested with 4 of his friends because of drug previous year. He was taken to Mahkamah Majistret Petaling Jaya to face charges under section 15(1)(a) Dangerous Drug Act 1952.

Watch this video...