Friday 28 December 2012

Digital Mukmin

Digital Mukmin is a photography website taken by using specific camera. I will tell you about the camera later in the last paragraph of this entry. Something like sunrise, waterfall, old folks, kids might be fascinating photos. You may watch some images I put here from Digital Mukmin blog. Feast your eyes..

Fishing Village

Saturday 22 December 2012

Supermarkets robbed hundreds time!

If not all, some of you may have watch this video about crime rate has gone down under GTP (Government Transformation Programme)

Contrary to the claim by police that the country’s crime rate has gone down, a 24-hour convenience store chain says its branches nationwide have been robbed and goods stolen 671 times in the past five years, incurring it a total loss of over RM1 million.

KK Supermart Holdings Sdn Bhd, which owns the 127 KK convenience stores in the peninsula, called a press conference in Kuala Lumpur yesterday to reveal the shocking statistics.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Mazidul Akmal Sidek A Liar?

Do you watch Majalah 3 last Saturday, 8 December 2012? It was about the Super-bike rider speeding and endanger other drivers on the highway.

If you not watch it yet, better watch it now.

We know speeding exceeds the limit on the road or highway is dangerous BUT The question is...

Monday 10 December 2012

Highlight Malaysia vs Thailand

Malaysia vs Thailand AFF Suzuki Cup 2012 Highlights

Malaysia vs Thailand (1-1)

Friday 7 December 2012

Shot after rush

Watch this video before commenting..

Serve you right criminal! Who ask you to run away from Police Roadblock? You think you James Bond "Skyfall" ha?

Maybe it was a wise decision by those 5 criminals. They rather die than cripple in jail. Anyway, all of them were caught by Police at Ampang, Selangor. To those criminals, you guys just repent in jail OK?

Sunday 2 December 2012

Messages from Boboi

Have you watched Maharaja Lawak Mega 2012 week 3? Boboi team really great with their deep message in their joke.

Boboi in Maharaja Lawak Mega 2012 week 3
Quickly watch this video before it is "disappeared" from YouTube.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Ultras Malaya Transformation

Last night at Stadium Bukit Jalil National Stadium, Ultras Malaya enchanting again but no more "anjing".

Ultras Malaya chanting "Oh bangkitlah Harimau Malaya"

Watch this video..

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Ultras Malaya mocking Singapore

After Malaysia lose 0-3 to Singapore at Bukit Jalil National Stadium on 25 November 2012, Ultras Malaya the fanatic fan of Malaysia sing a terrible song.

Ultras Malaya chanting "Singapore itu anjing"
Watch this video from YouTube..

Sunday 25 November 2012

Stop Reading MyNewsHub, maybe?

Do you read MyNewsHub? I don't know why but recently the news in MyNewsHub are more to pervert contents. At front page, you may see most of the main topic are about pervert.

Screenshot from MyNewshub website
Is it a good way to promote website?

Tuesday 20 November 2012


Every man have the feeling want to be the strongest at least once in their life. When I small, I feel like to be strong like Incredible Hulk. But in reality, Hulk is just a comic superhero.

Kids fight in school
Have you brawl in school? How does it feel to win? or lose in that time? Or at least you are the witness of the brawling..What do you feel as the "spectator" in that time?

Budak SMK Banggi gaduh, kerakit vs laksian

What the benefit of brawling in school?

Monday 12 November 2012

Idea for Blog Post

Read this entry if you really need an idea to post your blog.

Bright Idea

I provide you 3 things so you'll remember it easily.

Sunday 4 November 2012

The Easiest Language

No matter what is your mother tongue language if you want to learn the easiest spoken language in the world, the answer is Bahasa Melayu. Easy grammar and easy pronunciation.

Malaysia's flag
Bahasa Melayu normally written in Latin/Romance alphabet called Rumi and used to be written in Arabic called Jawi. Everyone can read Rumi so it's easier for you to learn Bahasa Melayu. One more thing, the sound for each alphabets, words and sentences in Bahasa Melayu is as it is. The alphabet 'C' will sound 'C' not 'K'.

It'll be easier to explain with some examples so here we go..

Friday 26 October 2012

Happy AidilAdha 1433

I just want to wish a happy aidiladha to all muslims in Malaysia and worldwide.

Slaughter a cow for celebrating Aidil Adha

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Cheng Ho Closed

KUALA LUMPUR - After four years of operation, the singer Amy Search finally accept the fact that his restaurant Cheng Ho in Wangsa Maju here had to be closed on 23 October 2012.

Restaurant Cheng Ho founded by Amy Search
What the cause of this closed announcement by Amy Search?

Segmen Bloglist Pelangi Me & My Family

Click image to join

p/s: This is my first Wordless Wednesday with segment

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Trivia Malaysia Coin

I believe all Malaysian have used the new Malaysia coins. It's a little bit confusing to me especially the 20 sen and 50 sen. The color and size for both is almost the same.

I prefer the old Malaysia coins, at first glance you'll know which is 20 sen and 50 sen. The color is same but the size make it easier for us to make comparison between 20 sen and 50 sen.
50 sen is bigger than 20 sen
Now, take a look at this new Malaysia coins..

Friday 19 October 2012

AES Locations in Malaysia

AES stand for Automated Enforcement System is a camera which will capture the traffic offenders. Be careful while you are driving in Malaysia or you'll receive fine letter (surat sihat).

AES Camera
Here I would like to share the AES locations in Malaysia for each state.


Wednesday 17 October 2012

Premium Beautiful Corset

Premium Beautiful Corset Hai-O is the "number 1" health corset in Malaysia. Do you believe it? Have you buy and use it?

Premium Beautiful Corset

What is the result after using it?

Legoland Malaysia

Have you visited the Legoland Malaysia? Legoland Malaysia located at Nusajaya, Johor is packed full of lego toys handmade. Sounds like it is a fun place for kids under 12.

Legoland Park Map
Don't be disappointed yet if you are teens or grown-up mature adults, there are more than 40 rides, shows and attractions. One of the rides is this...

Roller coaster in Legoland Malaysia
Yeah, roller coaster in Legoland!

Thursday 11 October 2012


What is 60303? Have you received a call from 60303? A miss-call from 60303 perhaps?

Phone Number 60303
After I got miscall from 60303, I go Google it and found this...

Thursday 4 October 2012

Oppa Taikun Style

If you think the disease of Oppa Gangnam Style is going down....NOT!

Angah and Along in Taikun
At first I thought this video is just a typical parody of Gangnam Style but...

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Malaysia : The Sugar Price Rises

Even RM2.30 already expensive but now the price is RM2.50. Only 20 cent increment so what the fuss?

Gula pasir is sugar sand?
Just use less sugar and we are done. Really?

Friday 28 September 2012

Budget 2013

You know and really care about Budget 2013 which is tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak? Well, I do care about it because it's my money that used for Budget 2013. To be exact, it's Malaysian's citizen money so it's your money too if you are Malaysian though.

Budget for 2013
You must know how and where your money go right?

Monday 17 September 2012

Gangnam Style 'Desease'

I know not only Malaysian but all people around the world know about Gangnam Style. Gangnam Style is a K-Pop music with it's catchy rhythm and weird dance performed by Psy. First time I heard this song about one month before Ramadhan 1433 on

Psy doing the unsual dance

The influence of Gangnam Style is a 'Desease' to me. Why? Because...

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Husband beat wife

Amanda Fong Kim Yen 19 years old married to Calven Chik Foo Keong. She's been hurt by his husband while 2 month pregnant in a shop. 

Amanda Fong bruises on her arm and shoulder

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Sparta Raya

Well, I'm still in the mood of hari raya so..... I would like to share a funny video from Faradyable. Ok, here we go!

Friday 24 August 2012

Work Time

Still celebrating hari raya? Ok but don't be too happy or you'll be very sad at the end. Fuh! Long time no new entry. It's busy from Ramadhan until Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Salam Aidilfitri to all Muslim
In this short entry I want to apologize to all Rojak Punya blog readers. If I've done anything wrong to you, please forgive me.

Finally, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to Muslims in Malaysia and Worldwide.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

About Hijrah Year

We are so near with Ramadhan month. As I mention last year in "Anak Bulan" entry, if you want to check the Hijrah calendar you can't just write it down like the AD (Addo Domini). AD year or mostly known in Malaysia as "Tahun Masihi". You need to moon sighting every month to check if there is a moon crescent aka anak bulan.

Moonsighting dot com

That's why Hijrah or Hijri calendar also known as Lunar calendar. If you have a calendar with a Hijrah year on it seriously it's a mess up unless you do the moon-sighting every month and you write it down yourself. The mess up starts from 1 Safar 1433 which should be on 27 December 2011 but according to our "standard" calendar at home the 1 Safar was on 26 December.. From there, we're following the wrong calculation of Hijrah year until now.

So, when is the real date for moon sighting early Ramadhan?

Monday 2 July 2012

5 tips choosing durian

Durian the king of fruits but it can be the low quality food if you don't know how to choose the good durian.

Let's read this easy tips about choosing the best durian.

Saturday 30 June 2012

Al Jannah Global Marketing

Yesterday, I just received offer from someone to join AJGM (AlJannah Global Marketing). The main product is Mahkota Dewa Pre-mix coffee. But the worse part about AJGM is it's the MLM company.

Ajgm MLM License
Since I am anti-MLM so I won't join AJGM. No matter how Islamic the company try to implement in the business but if there is a system called MLM so it's not a good business.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Yeo's Contest!

Peraduan Merdeka Raya Yeo's is easy for you to join. The more you drink, the higher chance to win. Don't wait anymore, just go to retail shop, supermarket or hypermarket to buy Yeo's drink.

Perdauan Merdeka Raya Yeo's
How to join?

Sunday 24 June 2012

Rojak Betik Terengganu

Rojak Betik
Ingredients :
1 papaya - peeled and cut (soak in water for 1 hour)
1/2 tsp of kapur makan (whiting?)
2 liters of water
2 cucumbers
1/4 pineapple - peel and slice

Ingredients for gravy
10 sardines fish - clean, roasted and smash
5  tbsp of cili boh (chilli paste?)
2 pieces of malacca sugar - diracik (slice & dice?)
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
1/2 vinegar OR 2 tbsp of asam jawa (tamarind?)
1 1/2 liters of water


Tuesday 19 June 2012

A Shoe Thief

Crime again and again in Malaysia. I want to share CCTV footage uploaded on youtube with you.

This incident happen in ss2 Petaling Jaya at 3am on 10/6/2012.If you saw this guy anywhere, would you report it to the police? 

I bet if he is arrested he will get a new place to sleep and eat in jail for about 2 months or more..and share his crime's experience with others prisoner or gain more crime's knowledge from other prisoner. Once he get out from the prison, he may probably be a better thief. Unbelievable? maybe..

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Tips Sleep

If you are having hard time to sleep at night, that means you got some problem in your mind. It doesn't matter how soft or comfy your bed is. The unsolved problem in your mind may halt you from sleep earlier.

Sleep soundly
I myself use this tips before sleep. May this tips help you. Here some tips for you how to sleep easier..

Friday 8 June 2012

Roadside Stall

Have you buy food from roadside stall? I knew most of you did. Some of them are good and just little of them not good.

Roadside Stall
How much did you spend on buying food at roadside stall?

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Tenggiling smuggler

"Tenggiling" or anteater were smuggled at Alor Gajah Melaka.

This is tenggiling

Thursday 24 May 2012

1Malaysia Pad?

MalTechPro Sdn Bhd on Thursday introduced the first tablet called '1 Malaysia Pad 'with latest applications and touch screen.

1Malaysia Pad a.k.a 1M Pad

The price is RM999. Seriously?

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Kit Kat Advertisement

Kit Kat Advertisement (Malaysia). This advertisement made me LOL.

Have a break, Have a Kit Kat
 Come on guys, watch this funny video Kit Kat Commercial now.

Monday 21 May 2012

Online Cooking and Food Video

If you are trying to get new recipe or something creative and special, you should visit TryMasak website. I found this website when I was trying to get new recipe for my latest entry. The link to TryMasak is provided under Source/Sumber.

Where anyone can cook
 It's a lovely place to gather a lot of information about food.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Blog Aidid reopen!

I just try looking for blog aidid yesterday it was reopen. I don't know when did he reopen his blog but it's a good news! Last month I post an entry about blog aidid has been removed but now....Yeah blog aidid reopen!

Blog Aidid Mu'addib
However, it's a bad news to MLM company, upline, downline etc..

Thursday 17 May 2012

MMA in Malaysia

MMA or Mixed Martial Arts is becoming more popular in Malaysia nowadays. If you are MMA fans you would know about UFC, K1, Pride etc which hold many great fighting. How about in Malaysia?

Melvin Yeoh the MMA Gym's head coach
Melvin Yeoh who teach Geography and Sport Science in a school in Johor has been the head coach at his father's MMA gym since 2006. MMA differ than boxing, muay thai or any one style fight. It's better if you just watch this less than 2 minutes video..

Monday 14 May 2012

Exile - Indestructible

Artist : Exile
Title : Indestructible

Exile famous with Indestructible song
Watch video and lyrics here :

Sunday 13 May 2012

Hattan - Duit

Artist : Hattan
Title : Duit
Originated by M Nasir

Malaysian Money
Watch video and lyrics Hattan - Duit

Saturday 12 May 2012

Metropolitan - Fikirkan Boleh

Artist : Metropolitan
Title : Fikirkan Boleh

Engkau Boleh = You Can
Watch video and lyrics Fikirkan Boleh

Friday 11 May 2012

Motivational Songs

We need something to get us up, push us up, pump us up and keep us up.Sometime we need advice or quotes from the expert but this time I want to share the motivational songs.

Believe on what you are doing, Persevere on your effort
I have 3 motivational songs title that fits me well and I hope it does to you too.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Rabbani - Pergi Takkan Kembali

Song created by KRU.
Artist: Rabbani
Title : Pergi Takkan Kembali

View lyrics in Malay:

Friday 4 May 2012

Bob Kuman passed away

Now Bob Kuman or Husni Mohd Rawi 41 years old really passed away. This is not a gimmick anymore. He died at 4.38 pm at his home in Kota Damansara yesterday.

He was suffering lung watery, high blood pressure, heart complication and obesity.

Allahyarham Bob Kuman
At first, his wife Normah thought he was asleep..

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Khairy VS Rafizi

Debate PTPTN (Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional) issue between Umno Youth chief, Khairy Jamaluddin and PKR Strategy Director, Ramli Mohd Rafizi will be held on 3 May 2012, 8 pm  LIVE at Kompleks Belia dan Kebudayaan Negeri Selangor, Seksyen 7.

Debate PTPTN on this 3 May
Why debate about PTPTN?

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Labour Day 2012

It's 1st May so Happy Labour Day to all salary-men in Malaysia! Why salary-men? Of course salary-men because Labour Day or "Hari Pekerja" is made as annual holiday to acknowledge them.

Labour Day by Google
Are you the salary-men?

Friday 27 April 2012

Robbery? Cheated?

According to the description from the video description and comment from YouTube, the raid happen because 7 customers were cheated by Tan Auto car sales.

Car Shop Raided
The Tan Auto or whatever name of the car dealership show the CCTV to public to gain sympathy from the authorities. Which one is true? Cheated car dealer or robbery?

Watch this video..

Wednesday 25 April 2012

How to stop drooling

It's embarrassing especially when you sleep and drool in public unintentionally. If you are drooling while you are sleeping, you should read this entry..

Sleep is relaxing
The question is how to stop drooling?

Saturday 21 April 2012

Macau Scam Busted

Macau Scam raided in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Five suspects were arrested including one woman in raids. This Macau Scam has scam a total of millions of Ringgit Malaysia.

Not one million but millions or multimillion!

How did they scam?

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Funny Announcement Air Asia

I am bore so as usual I just wander around YouTube and I saw one funny video about safety announcement in Air Asia flight. Ok come on let's watch this video together.

Have you take a flight with that kind of explanation about safety?

Saturday 14 April 2012

Blog AididMuaddib

What happen to blog Aidid? is my favorite blog. Any news about it? Why blog aididmuaddib has been removed?

Blog aididmuaddib has been removed
Blog Aidid Mu'addib had been a great reference about MLM scam in Malaysia. From there I know how the scammer try to grab our hard earned cash for their own greedy profit. His blog is one of a kind. If you are his follower, you know what I mean.

p/s: Never join MLM!

UPDATE: Blog Aidid reopen!