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Saturday, 12 May 2012

Metropolitan - Fikirkan Boleh

Artist : Metropolitan
Title : Fikirkan Boleh

Engkau Boleh = You Can
Watch video and lyrics Fikirkan Boleh

Jika kau fikirkan kau boleh
Kau hampir boleh melakukan
Jika kau fikirkan ragu-ragu
Usahamu tidak menentu
Jika kau fikirkan kekalahan
Kau hampiri kegagalan
Jika kau fikirkan kemenangan
Kau hampiri kejayaan

Engkaulah apa kau fikirkan
Terkandung dalam pemikiran
Berfikir boleh melakukan
Fikirkan boleh
Percaya apa kau lakukan
Tabah apa kau usahakan
Bertindak atas kemampuan
Engkau boleh

Lyrics Fikirkan Boleh in english:

If you think you can
You almost can do it
If you think hesitate
Your efforts uncertain
If you think about losing
You almost lose
If you think about winning
You almost win

You are what you think
contained in mind
Think can do it
Think can
Believe on your effort
Act according to ability
You can
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